Why would you go to a hearing aid specialist if you don’t have hearing loss? Well, hearing aid specialist can do a lot more than just test for and evaluate hearing loss. Hearing aid specialist also help people evaluate their risk of hearing damage and come up with customized solutions for protecting their hearing.

Being exposed to high noise levels for extended periods of time or on a regular basis can and does cause long term hearing loss. That’s why it’s so important to protect your hearing with ear plugs and other such devices. For some people, ear plugs are not the best solution for them or their lifestyle. In this instance, a hearing aid specialist can help.

If you work in an occupation that exposes you to high noise levels, or if you have a hobby that exposes you to loud noise levels, you should consider being evaluated by a hearing aid specialist. Companies are required to test and evaluate conditions for all employees who work in high noise level environments. However, their liability for your hearing is limited. Additionally, if you are exposed to high noise levels outside of work, you will have to take preventative measures into your own hands.

How Can a Hearing Aid Specialist Help?

Most hearing aid specialists can see you in their office for a hearing risk assessment. The specialist will use a variety of questions and evaluating factors to determine your level or risk and what solutions might work best to protect your hearing.

Your risk level is determined by:

  • Level of noise you are exposed to
  • How often you are exposed
  • How long you are exposed at each incident
  • What hearing protection you currently use

The specialist will also talk to you about solutions that may work better for your unique lifestyle. For instance, different hearing protection devices may work better for musicians than truck drivers. There are hearing protection devices for all kinds of situations, depending on whether you need to hear music or hear others speak while wearing the device, or if the device should block as much noise as possible to provide maximum protection.

Some options include custom fit ear-molds and semi-custom fit ear-molds For musicians or stage crew, there are specialized ear molds that allow for good sound quality while still maintaining protection. Musicians and performers can also get in-ear musicians monitors, which allow them to hear the music well while still protecting from loud audiences and amplification systems.

Most people who need hearing protection don’t know it. Here is a list of professions that typically need to wear hearing protection:

  • Sound crews
  • Recording engineers
  • Band Teachers
  • Concert goers
  • Djs
  • Airline personnel
  • Athletic coaches
  • NFL football players
  • Referees
  • Motorcyclists
  • Medical professionals
  • Construction workers
  • Industrial workers
  • Truck drivers

So, if you are not sure if you need hearing protection in your profession or hobby, see a hearing aid specialist today. They can help you determine the best way to protect your hearing for life!